2016-07-20 13:42:47 UTC
I have fired one query in PostgreSQL , which outcome should have 2207 rows and 8 columns(having integer and string and bytea type of data). But I am unable to get the result.
By PQexec(), PQresultStatus() and PQresultErrorMessage(), I am able to get that it is PGRES_FATAL_ERROR - out of memory for query result error.
But I am still looking for the reason why it came in our environment as fired query's outcome doesn't seem has a large data. So why is it getting out of memory for query result error
By PQexec(), PQresultStatus() and PQresultErrorMessage(), I am able to get that it is PGRES_FATAL_ERROR - out of memory for query result error.
But I am still looking for the reason why it came in our environment as fired query's outcome doesn't seem has a large data. So why is it getting out of memory for query result error